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Our Team
Sharmishtha Khichar
Co-Founder & COO
Sharmishtha is a Physics graduate with an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. She’s also a National-level tennis champ, swimmer and chess player. She has worked in investment banking in Hong Kong. She takes care of Operations at, ensuring that our content meets her stringent quality standards
Prof A. Madaan
Head, Faculty
Subject Matter Expert: Law & General Studies
Prof Madaan has over 20 years of administrative experience in the Central Government. He was Civil Services All India Rank 45, and has over 10 years of teaching experience. He is the Delhi University LLB topper and holds the first rank in Indian Law Institute’s LLM exam
Rahul Dalia
CTO and Subject Matter Expert:
Economics & Finance
Rahul is one of our double Masters – he has a BTech and MTech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay and an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad as well. At ExamVictor he puts these outrageous credentials to good use as one of our SMEs. In a prior life, he has worked as an international management consultant
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