CDS (II) 2013 – Paper Analysis
- The UPSC conducted the CDS (II) Exam on September 2013.
- The exam consisted of three papers – English, Elementary Mathematics and General Knowledge.

- The questions on quantitative ability were based on various topics and involved simple calculations.
- The difficulty level of this section was moderate.
- The major focus was on Trigonometry, Geometry, Number System and Mensuration

- The English paper consisted of the promised number of questions i.e. 120 questions, all carrying equal marks and the maximum marks for this paper were 100.
- The questions were typical one’s ranging from synonyms, antonyms, error detections etc. in short the set pattern was repeated.
- The paper consisted of seven passages each having four-five questions based on them. The passages were easy, simple to understand and the questions were somewhat direct. The spotting error section had 19 questions; all demanded a good understanding of basic grammar.
- There were total 20 each of Antonyms & Synonyms, which were of an above average standard. The good part about Antonyms and synonyms in CDS is that if you do a good number of previous year question papers you’ll find that words are repeated in some way or the other.
- There were 18 questions on ordering of sentences, all were simple, and then there were 16 questions on ordering of words in a sentence, again a simple exercise. Hence the English paper was average.

General Knowledge
- General Knowledge comprises of the toughest part of CDSE or any UPSC exam for that matter. In this paper also General Knowledge was tough.
- Some questions were totally direct and some were in no way direct! There was a dominance of questions from Economy, commerce etc. There were questions asked from the recipients of major awards.
- Current affair questions included current affairs from the month of April 2013(Latest). There were very few (only two-three) questions asked from the sports section.
- There were a good amount of questions from Indian Polity. All the questions demanded a good understanding of the things. There were ample amount of Assertion-Reasoning type questions.