CDS 2012 English Question Paper -1



Directions (For the following 21 items) :

In this section there are six short passages. Each passage is followed by items based on the passage. Read each passage and answer the items that follow.

Passage I

Our voyage was very prosperous, but I shall not trouble the reader with a journal of it. The captain called in at one or two ports and sent in his long-boat for provisions and fresh water, but I never went out of the ship till we came into the Downs, which was on the 3rd day of June, 1706, about nine months after my escape. I offered to leave my goods in security for payment of my freight, but the captain protested he would not receive one farthing. We took kind leave of each other, and I made him promise that he would come to see me at my house in Redriff. I hired a house and a guide for five shillings which I borrowed from the captain.

  1. When the writer uses the word “prosperous” to describe the voyage, he means that
    • it made him rich.
    • it made him healthy.
    • it was very pleasant.
    • it was uneventful.
  2. On the voyage, the author
    • left the ship at intervals.
    • was not able to leave the ship because it did not stop.
    • never left the ship at all.
    • never left the ship till they came into the Downs.
  3. In the context of the passage, the word “provisions” means
    • mainly food.
    • mainly security.
    • mainly ammunition.
  4. For the payment of the author’s freight, the captain
  • kept his goods as security.
  • refused to accept any money.
  • protested against being paid only a farthing.
  • accepted a sum of money.
  1. From the passage, it is clear that the captain’s attitude to the author was
  • One of hostility.
  • One of indifference.
  • One of extreme friendliness and kindness.
  • one of disgust and irritation.

Passage II

What were the early ideas of men about the sky and the earth ? They naturally believed that the earth was motionless, and they also supposed that it was flat. These two ideas do not surprise us. Children now-a-days think the same until they are taught differently. How were men to know that the earth was a ball circling round the sun ? They had no telescope for accurate observation. They had not travelled round the world. In fact, many parts of the world in those .days were unexplored and, unknown. They thought they lived on a kind of flat plate, and that the sky with the sun and the moon and the stars, was a kind of inverted bowl turning round above them. The sun, the moon and the stars were their lamps .for day and night.

  1. ” Unless children are taught differently they think that
  • the earth is round and moving.
  • the sun and the moon are motionless.
  • the sun and the moon are moving.
  • the sun and the moon are moving round the earth.
  1. The early ideas of man were wrong because
    • man did not use the telescope.
    • man did not like to travel.
    • man never had the scientific knowledge.
    • man was foolish and lazy.
  2. What was true for the early man ?
    • The earth was round and moving.
    • The telescope was accurate.
    • Travelling and., exploring were the methods to gain knowledge.
    • The sun was motionless.
  3. What was the main cause of-the early man’s wrong ideas ?
    • Lack of scientific knowledge
    • Seeing and believing
    • Lack of desire to know
    • Lack of desire to observe and explore

Passage III

The man sat up in the snow for a moment and struggled for calmness. Then he pulled on his gloves by means of his teeth, and got upon his feet. He glanced down at first in order to assure himself that he was really standing up, for the absence of sensation in his feet left him unrelated to the earth. His erect position in itself started to drive the webs of suspicion from the dog’s mind; and when he spoke peremptorily, with the sound of whip-lashes in his voice, the dog rendered its customary allegiance and came to him. As it came within reaching distance, the man lost his control. His arms flashed out to the dog and he experienced genuine surprise when he discovered that his  hands could not clutch, that there was neither bend nor feeling in the fingers. He had forgotten for the moment that they were frozen and that they were freezing more and more. All this happened quickly and before the animal could get away, he  encircled its body with his arms. He sat down in the snow and in this fashion held the dog, while it snarled and whined and struggled.

  1. From the passage, which group of words expresses the effect of snow upon the man’s feet ?
  • With the sound of whip-lashes in his voice.
  • His arms, flashed out to the dog.
  • The absence of sensation in his feet left him unrelated to the earth.
  • The man sat up in the snow for a moment and struggled for calmness.
  1. The statement that, the man experienced genuine surprise when he discovered that his hands could not clutch means that
    • the man did not see anything to clutch.
    • the man had nothing to clutch.
    • the man was afraid of the dog.
    • there was neither bend nor feeling in the fingers.
  2. Which word or group of words shows the exact condition of being ‘frozen’ ?
    • Whip-lashes in his voice
    • He pulled on his gloves
    • His hands could not clutch
    • Lost his control

Passage IV

George was a young man who had gone to the big city from a small rural community and, in a relatively short time, attained prominence in the business world. His sudden rise had gone into his head, however, and he became unbearably conceited. Eventually, George returned home after a visit, halfway expecting everyone in town to be at the railway station to welcome him. Much to his surprise, George saw that no one, not even his family, was around to meet him when he descended from the train. He looked very neat in a new suit and carried a bulky suitcase full of fashionable clothes. After a little while, the station master came from his office and went over to the young fellow.

“Well, hello there, George,” he called out cheerily, “Are you going away ?”

  1. The station master’s question implied that
  • he offered help to George in climbing the train.
  • he is known to George very intimately.
  • he is making fun of George.
  • George’s absence from the town was not noticed by him.
  1. George hoped for a big welcome because
    • of his achievement and success.
    • he is returning home after a very long time,
    • people loved him.
    • his community wanted dynamic leaders like him.
  2. George’s great expectations are an indication of his
    • love of his community.
  3. George’s success was most clearly visible in
    • the station master’s words.
    • his clothes.
    • his being unbearably conceited.
    • the manner in which he was received by the village.

Passage V

The assault on the purity of the environment is the price that we pay for many of the benefits of modern technology. For the advantages of automotive transportation we pay a price in smog-induced diseases; for the powerful effects of new insecticides, we pay a price in dwindling wildlife and disturbances in the relation of living things and their surroundings; for nuclear power, we risk the biological hazards of radiation. By increasing agricultural production with fertilizers, we increase water pollution. The highly developed nations of the world are not only the immediate beneficiaries of the good that technology can do, they are also the first victims of the environmental diseases that technology breeds. In the past, the environmental effects which accompanied technological progress were restricted to a small place and relatively a short time. The new hazards are neither local nor brief. Modem air pollution covers vast areas of continents. Radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions is worldwide. Radioactive pollutants now on the Earth’s surface will be found there for generations, and in the case of Carbon-14, for thousands of years.

  1. The passage emphasizes that modern technology
    • is totally avoidable.
    • has caused serious hazards to life.
    • has greater effect on developed countries.
    • is the source of the miseries of mankind.
  2. The harmful effects of modern technology are
    • widespread but short lived.
    • widespread and long lasting.
    • local and long lasting.
    • severe but short lived.
  3. With reference to the passage, the following assumptions have been made :
  4. The widespread use of insecticides has caused ecological imbalance.
  5. Conservation of natural flora and fauna is impossible in this age of modern technology.

Which of the assumptions is/are valid ?

  • 1 only
  • 2 only
  • Both 1 and 2
  • Neither 1 nor 2

Passage VI

To what extent, though, are modern farming methods sustainable ? There is abundant evidence that a high price has to be paid to sustain the high rates of food production achieved by. Farmed monocultures. For example, they offer ideal conditions for the epidemic spread of diseases such as mastitis, brucellosis and swine fever among livestock and coccidiosis among poultry. Farmed animals are normally kept at densities far higher than their species would meet in nature with the result that disease transmission rates are magnified. In addition, high rates of transmission between herds occur as animals are sold from one farming enterprise to another, and it is easy for the farmers themselves, with mud on their boots and their vehicles, to act as vectors of pests and disease.

  1. With reference to the passage, consider the following statements :
  2. The modern practices of farming are undesirable for developing countries.
  3. Monoculture practices should be given up to eliminate disease transmission in animals.

Which of the above statements is/are correct ?

  • 1 only
  • 2 only
  • Both 1 and 2
  • Neither 1 nor 2
  1. What is the essence of this passage ?
    • Farming is a very costly affair.
    • Farmed animals are kept at higher densities in monocultures.
    • There is a widespread transmission of animal diseases now-a-days.
    • Human dependence on monoculture is fragile.


Directions (For the following 20 items) :

Each question is the section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled (a), (b), and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your answer in the answer sheet against the corresponding letter i.e.(a) or (b) or (c).  if find no error your answer should be indicated as (d).

  1. These are the ideas and ideal, which have shaped our economic thought in the past.
    (a)                                (b)                                   (c)
  2. India‘s problems are not similar with those of other countries in several ways. No
    (a)                                           (b)                             (c)

  3. He had lost a ring in the sand and I helped him search for it. but it was like a look for
                           (a)                                     (b)                                       (c)
    a needle in a haystack
    . No error.


  1. The Ganges and it’s tributaries constitute one of the largest river-systems in the world
    (a)                            (b)                                           (c)
     No error.


  1. The sudden change of place effected her health. No error.
    (a)                  (b)                     (c)                 (d)
  2. There are a number of people of every class and nationality who doubts the truth of
    (a)                                 (b)                                            (c)
    his statement.
    No error.


  1. I like this book because the writer has explained the reasons of his failure truly. No
    (a)                        (b)                      (c)


  1. She is very weak in the subject and does not understand things though the teacher
    (a)                                     (b)                                    (c)
    explains her repeatedly
    . No error.


  1. The speaker from the Fifth Avenue, who was a rich banker’s wife was simple and
    (a)                                           (b)                           (c)
    No error.


  1. There was no any piece of paper in my pocket as I had expected. No error.
    (a)                                 (b)                       (c)               (d)
  2. Neither the teacher or the student is keen on joining the dance. No error.
    (a)                       (b)                                    (c)            (d)
  3. My neighbour Deepak is a person that will help anyone. No error.
    (a)                     (b)                            (c)                    (d)
  4. I’ll ask that man which of the roads are’ the one we want. No error.
    (a)                        (b)                                 (c)                  (d)
  5. Now we have banks and people deposit there money their, and draw it out by
    (a)                                           (b)                                     (c)
    No error.


  1. Apart government agencies, a number of private organisations too have been making
    (a)                                                (b)                               (c)
    use of satellites
    . No error.


  1. What’ sort of a drug this is that no one seems to be able to predict its long-term
    (a)                                                    (b)
    effects with any certainty ? No error.

(c)           (d)

  1. You will lose your dog if you did not tie it up. No error.
    (a)               (b)                         (c)      (d)
  2. In view of the fact that almost all varieties of rural games and sports are fast gaining
    national importance it is desired
    that the rules of such games are strictly adhered. No
                             (b)                                                         (c)


  1. More than one workmen was killed. No error.
    (a)                 (b)            (c)             (d)
  2. The parties disagreed on the two first clauses in the agreement. No error.
    (a)                             (b)                               (c)                   (d)


Directions (For the following 24 items) :

Each of the following questions in this section consists of a sentence, the parts of which have been jumbled. These parts have been labelled P, Q, R and S. Given below each sentence are four sequences namely (a), (b), (c) and (d).You are required to re-arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and select the correct sequence.

  1. Coming late, lest he should disturb the class John tiptoed into the room which was
    P                       Q                                         R
    going on seriously


The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • RSPQ
  • QSPR
  • RPQS
  1. If people who commit crimes they will go on committing crimes are not punished
    P                    Q                 R                         S

The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • PSQR
  • RSPQ
  • QSPR
  1. to cross the broken bridge not knowing how to wade through the river they decided
    P                                 Q                            R                         S

The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • RSQP
  • SRPQ
  • QPSR
  1. to switch off the television please feel free if you do not like this programme
    P                    Q                        R                                         S

The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • QPRS
  • SRPQ
  • RSQP
  1. The rising prices out of gear have thrown important industries many of our
    P               Q                         R                      S

The correct sequence should be

  • SPQR
  • RSPQ
  • QPSR
  • QPRS
  1. lying dead on the roadside his uncle saw an old man returning home in the evening

P                                        Q                                              R

with his faithful dog standing beside him


The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • QPSR
  • RQPS
  • QSPR
  1. He was a scholar who was adored by all those who came close to him to the last day
    P                                  Q                                R
    of his life though not widely known


The correct sequence should be

  • PSRQ
  • RPQS
  • SRPQ
  • SPQR
  1. A couple and their teenage daughter in their one room house in North Delhi
    P                                                            Q
    reportedly committed suicide on Tuesday night driven by abject poverty

R                                        S

The correct sequence should be

  • SQPR
  • PSRQ
  • PRSQ
  • SPRQ
  1. One should remember that lying at the side of the road if we found our neighbour

P                                         Q

unable to move because of a broken leg we should show our neighbourliness

R                                            S

The correct sequence should be

  • SQPR
  • PQRS
  • QRPS
  • SQRP
  1. that he sought my advice to such an extent even in private domestic matters I won his
    P                               Q                                       R


The correct sequence should be

  • QRSP
  • QPRS
  • RQSP
  • SQPR
  1. It is believed that the tiger Saxena being severely injured in the first encounter

P                Q                                           R

was too terrified to make a second attempt at shooting


The correct sequence should be

  • RPSQ
  • PRSQ
  • RQSP
  • PSQR
  1. I felt like a Cold War spy for a moment to whom a critical, secret had just been
    P                          Q                                     R                


The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • PSQR
  • PRSQ
  • QPRS
  1. The dacoit many heinous crimes had committed who carried a reward of fifty
    P                          Q                                     R
    thousand rupees
    on his head


The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • QPSR
  • RQPS
  • RSQP
  1. Although the train was delayed by half an hour, he could not reach the station to
    catch the train
    in time bound for Delhi

Q             R                 S

The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • PRQS
  • QRPS
  • PSQR
  1. When the rain stopped, we set out to stay the night where we had planned for the
    P                      Q                             R
    next town


The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • QPRS
  • PRQS
  • PSRQ
  1. Ravi has been appointed Reader in the University in the recent selections in a
    P                                                   Q
    Private Degree College
    who was working as a Lecturer

R                                       S

The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • SRPQ
  • QPSR
  • SQRP
  1. The Principal has issued a notice will have to vacate the hostel that those junior
    P                              Q
    if they fail to join duty by Monday next who are participating in the strike

R                                                               S

The correct sequence should be

  • QSPR
  • RQSP
  • PRQS
  • QRSP
  1. as I stood on the mountain I watched the early sun burn off the mist that covered the
    P                                  Q                                           R
    on the fifth morning


The correct sequence should be

  • SQRP
  • SPQR
  • PSQR
  • QSPR
  1. The TV Newsreader announced that ten people when a mad dog bit them sustained
    P                     Q            R


The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • QPRS
  • RPQS
  • PSQR
  1. we were now moving slowly but steadily and had no need to stop our breath in order
    P                                             Q                     R
    to regain


The correct sequence should be

  • PQSR
  • PQRS
  • SPQR
  • QPRS
  1. I have read who by some mysterious laws of her nature in the form of a foul and
    P                                            Q
    poisonous snake
    the story of a fairy, was condemned to appear in certain seasons

R                                                 S

The correct sequence should be

  • QRSP
  • PQRS
  • RQPS
  • RPSQ
  1. About half of the blindness of vitamin A shortage is attributed to children in India

P                  Q                      R                           S

The correct sequence, should be

  • QRPS
  • RPSQ
  • PSRQ
  • SPQR
  1. What a wonderful thing it is the sun is the source of all power in some way or the
    P                      Q                          R
    to think that.

The correct sequence should be

  • SRPQ
  • SRQP
  • SQRP
  • PQSR
  1. it rained and thundered and the child who was collecting clothes on the line ran up to
    P                                                     Q
    his mother
    to save them from getting wet

R                                  S

The correct sequence should be

  • PQRS
  • PRQS
  • PSRQ
  • PQSR


Directions (For the following 17 items) :

In this section, select the word or group of words that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word or group of words in the given sentence.

  1. I never believed that it was the authentic signature of the Prime Minister.
  • hand-written
  • genuine
  • proper
  • authoritative
  1. Valiant Vicky used to boast of his bravery to his beloved wife.
  • cry
  • abuse
  • hate
  • brag
  1. I can no longer be satisfied with fictitious good conduct.
  • based on facts
  • based on imagination
  • based on works of fiction
  • based on feudal ties .
  1. Mass murder is very often a result of communal frenzy.
  • patricide
  • fratricide
  • regicide
  • genocide
  1. The two executioners approached the tree with a red-mark on its side.
  • executive engineers
  • explorers
  • experimenters
  • those who inflict capital punishment
  1. The maiden speech of the young member of the Lok Sabha was very much appreciated by the people.
  • farewell speech
  • short speech
  • first speech
  • speech about women
  1. Please do not interfere with my work.
  • meddle
  • help
  • object
  • copy
  1. This job is very tedious.
  • tiresome
  • dull
  • interesting
  • exciting
  1. She takes after her mother.
    • follows
    • comes after
    • resembles
    • imitates
  2. He is very intelligent, but ill-favoured by nature.
    • unlucky
    • weak in health
    • short-tempered
    • ugly
  3. People thronged to pay homage to the departed leader.
    • humility
    • tribute
    • obedience
    • allegiance
  4. He kept his eyes peeled and his ears pricked for some important clue.
    • hint
    • inkling
    • intimation
    • signal
  5. The spectators looked at the batsman in amazement when he hit sixer after sixer.
    • shock
    • wonder
    • surprise
    • suspicion
  6. Very few of our batsmen have any real consistency.
    • constancy
    • competence
    • permanence
    • uniformity
  7. He has an electrifying presence.
    • attractive
    • fearsome
    • exciting
    • disturbing
  8. For better health we must refrain from smoking.
    • dissuade
    • desist
    • prevent
    • curb
  9. The article was so well-written that it merited careful study.
    • deserved
    • encouraged
    • prompted
    • supported


Directions (For the following 06 items) :

In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning as SI and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. You are requested to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark accordingly on the Answer Sheet.

  1. S1: There is no doubt that democracy is the best of the systems of government available to us.

S6 :    It is this feature that puts democracy in a class by itself among political systems.

P :      For another, even an individual can, through appeal to the judiciary, prevent the government from doing any injustice.

Q :    This means that,            in a way, the people can exercise some control over the rulers even during their period of rule.

R :     This right of the individual to secure justice even against the powerful government is even more important than the right to vote.

S :      For one thing, it permits, if necessary, a periodical change of those who govern the country.

The proper sequence should be

  • RPQS
  • SQPR
  • PQRS
  • SRPQ
  1. SI : The authorities decided to streamline the procedure for admitting students to the new course.

S6 :    The selection was made from this list in the order of priority.

P :      Those who performed badly at the interview were eliminated.

Q :    The candidates were first required to take a written test.

R :     A list of successful candidates at the written test was prepared in the ascending order of total marks.

S :      The top fifty among those who qualified were called for an interview.

The proper sequence should be

  • QRSP
  • PRSQ
  • SRQP
  • RSQP
  1. SI : I was only 12 years of age then.

S6 :    I needed real money.

P :      But this was not enough even to buy comics or toys.

Q :    I earned a couple of dollars by doing chores around the house.

R :     I could never buy an airgun or a bike in this way.

S :      I found a pressing need for money of my own.

The proper sequence should be

  • SQPR
  • PSQR
  • SRPQ
  • QRPS
  1. SI : You ask me what I intend to do after graduation.

S6 :    That would be a great relief to my parents.

P :      My ambition is to become an engineer.

Q :    I can complete this course in two years.

R :     But I am not sure whether I shall get enough marks to qualify for admission to an engineering college.

S :      If I don’t take up engineering, I would like to do an M.Sc. in Physics.

The proper sequence should be

  • PRSQ
  • SQPR
  • QSRP
  • RPQS
  1. SI : In 1974, Mark and Delia ventured into the Kalahari desert to study the ecology of the region.

S6 :    She was moving towards them from about five metres away, her head swaying from side to side.

P :      He slowly lifted his head and surveyed the scene.

Q :    A soft groan startled Mark.

R :     They had driven north the evening before, trying to locate the roars of a lion.

S :      His breath caught—it was a huge lioness.

The proper sequence should be

  • RQPS
  • RPQS
  • RQSP
  • QPSR
  1. S1:In almost all developing countries, estimates indicate that every six seconds, one child dies and another becomes disabled as a consequence of diseases that can be prevented with immunization.

S6:     After each round of immunization during the IIP, all computerized data were brought up-to-date.

P:       At the start of the programme, local Anganwadi centres for pre-school children operating as a part of the National Integrated Child Development Services Scheme were involved in conducting house-to-house surveys.

Q:     The experiment has been launched with the objective of introducing new and efficient strategies for large-scale immunization programmes which, if successful, could be used as models for similar endeavours in the future.

R:      Two areas were included in the IIP :Trilokpuri and Khanjawala.

S:       Between December 1983 and March 1984, a large-scale experiment — the Intensive Immunization Programme (IIP) — was conducted in Delhi.

The proper sequence should be

  • QSPR
  • RPQS
  • PQRS
  • SQRP


Directions (For the following 20 items) :

In this section, select the word or group of words that is most opposite in meaning to the underlined word or group of words in the given sentence.

  1. Poisonous gases emitted from factories contaminate the air we breathe in.
    • sanctify
    • invigorate
    • taint
    • purify
  1. Reckless driving causes accidents.
  • careful
  • slow
  • good
  • Correct
  1. He often went to the theatre.
  • seldom
  • rarely
  • sometimes
  • occasionally
  1. He is frugal in his spending.
  • economical
  • extravagant
  • miserly
  • greedy
  1. The students expected an eminent scientist to inaugurate the programme.
  • illustrious
  • notorious
  • intelligent
  • unknown
  1. Some of their customs are barbarous.
  • civilized
  • modern
  • polite
  • praiseworthy
  1. They are going to embark upon a mountaineering expedition.
  • launch
  • analyse
  • break off
  • conclude
  1. There has been a gradual falling off in the quality of articles manufactured locally.
  • shrinkage
  • erosion
  • improvement
  • descent
  1. He was deeply depressed over the news.
  • satisfied
  • elated
  • impressed
  • affected
  1. Though he had lost the battle, he decided not to yield to the enemy.
  • submit to
  • persuade
  • resist
  • seek terms with
  1. Because of the failure of the monsoon, there paucity of foodgrains.
    • overflow
    • inflow
    • plenty
    • glut
  2. the evidence against the accused is conclusive.
    • powerful
    • indecisive
    • exclusive
    • partial
      • It was a baseless rumour that triggered and arson at an unprecedented throughout the country.
    • choked
    • tapered off
    • diluted
    • ignited
  1. Their careers followed a parallel
    • divergent
    • difficult
    • similar
    • dissimilar
  2. The old man manifested his greed at the sight of a huge amount of money.
    • displayed
    • concealed
    • suppressed
    • marked
  3. The fallen trees blocked our passage to freedom from the wood.
  • facilitated
  • started
  • checked
  • promoted
  1. He fell foul of me when I asked him to apologise to his teacher.
  • quarrelled with me
  • attacked me
  • made friends with me
  • showed appreciation for me
  1. The outcome of his mission was more rewarding than he had expected.
  • lucrative
  • disappointing
  • thrilling
  • nail-biting
  1. He wanted to inaugurate the project right on. schedule.
  • terminate
  • inculcate
  • facilitate
  • ameliorate
  1. They decided to embellish the dress with * imported ribbons.
  • dishonour
  • demolish
  • spoil
  • suffice


Directions (For the following 12 items) :

In the following passage, at certain points you are given a choice of three words in a bracket, one of which fits the meaning of the passage. Choose the best word from each bracket. Mark the letter, viz. (a), (b) or (c), relating to this word on your Answer Sheet.

Passage A

According to a report in yesterday’s newspaper(109), police dog was taken to Raj Bhavan Monday. (110)This was to trace the of the (111),“very important horse” which (112),reported missing on Sunday. The dog picked (113), the scent on some traces of (114), and ran a few yards before losing the .The police have launched a vigorous(115), into the whole affair.(116), They have the services of a forensic(117), expert, fingerprint expert and a photographer,(118), are now fourteen horses at Raj Bhavan (119),are kept in a large shed near the gate.(120).

  • once
  • a
  • new
  • none of these
  • at
  • next
  • on
  • none of these
  • killers
  • dogs
  • police
  • none of these
  • has
  • were
  • was
  • none of these
  • on
  • at
  • up
  • none of these
  • those
  • blood
  • report
  • none of these
  • bet
  • track
  • game
  • none of these
  • search
  • investigation
  • campaign
  • none of these
  • given up
  • requisitioned
  • report
  • none of these
  • a
  • an
  • two
  • none of these
  • there
  • we
  • so
  • none of these
  • who
  • where
  • which
  • none of these