Directions: Each item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled as (a), (b) and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet against the corresponding letter i.e., (a) or (b) or (c). If you find no error, your response should be indicated as (d).
- He had been doing(a)/ the job of a physician(b)/ during the 1990s.(c)/No error.(d)
- He said(a)/ that he preferred(b)/ coffee than tea. (c)/No error.
- All that(a)/ glitters(b)/ are not gold. (c)/No error.(d)
- A species is considered(a)/ endangered when it is (b)/ in a very high risk of extinction in the world. (c)/No error.(d)
- our greatest glory(a)/ is not in never falling(b)/ but in rising every time we fell. (c)/No error.(d)
- Language is(a)/ an essential modes of communication(b)/and every language matters in communication. (c)/No error.(d)
- The matter was been resolved(a)/ after long deliberations(b)/among the members of the team. (c)/No error.(d)
- Care has been taken(a)/ to ensure safety and security(b)/ of the participants in the event. (c)/No error.(d)
- Indian film industry(a)/ is considered to be(b)/ one of the symbol of cultural and social life.(c)/No error.(d)
- It is still true(a)/ that the Indian economy(b)/ is dependent on monsoon. (c)/No error.(d)
Directions: Given below are some idioms/phrases followed by four alternative meanings to each. Choose the response (a), (b), (c) or (d) which is the most appropriate expression and mark your response in the Answer Sheet accordingly.
- Be in eclipse
(a) Less successful
(b) Feeling happy
(c) Very successful
(d) Being defeated
- Ways and means
(a) A technique
(b) Methods of achieving something
(c) Norms and regulations of doing something
(d) Improving one’s way of doing
- Up in arms
(a) Very happy
(b) Very satisfied
(c) Very angry
(d) Feeling fine
- Big ticket
(a) Very less
(b) Very costly
(c) Very easy
(d) Not much
- Bolt from the blue
(a) An event or piece of news which is unexpected
(b) Desirable event or news
(c) An event which takes place as planned
(d) News which has been long expected, but arrives late
- Be a law unto yourself
(a) Behave unconventional and unpredictable
(b) Abide by law and order
(c) Ask others to follow the law
(d) Create law and order for others
- Spiff up
(a) To make oneself look neat
(b) To make oneself look untidy
(c) To make oneself look arrogant
(d) To appear on the stage as a baboon
- Run wild
(a) To run like a wild animal
(b) To treat anyone like a wild creature
(c) To feel like a wild animal
(d) To grow without any control
- Wind down
(a) To relax after a period of activity
(b) To act furiously after a period of silence
(c) To speak out the truth to people
(d) To act on the ground
- Mellow out
(a) To feel bad about other’s enjoyment
(b) To like and dislike people concurrently
(c) To enjoy oneself without doing much
(d) To work hard and doing much work
Directions: In this section you have two short passages. After each passage, you will find some items based on the passage. Read the passages and answer the items based on them. You are required to select your answers based on the content of the passage and opinion of the author only.
Passage – I
Conventional education makes independent thinking extremely difficult. Conformity ‘ leads to mediocrity. To be different from the group or to resist environment is not easy and is often risky as long as we worship success. The urge to be successful, which is the pursuit of reward whether in the materials or in the so-called spiritual sphere, the search for inward or outward security, the desire for comfort-this whole process smothers discontent, put an end to spontaneity and breed fear; and fear blocks the intelligent understanding of life. With increasing age, dullness of mind and heart sets in.
In seeking comfort, we generally find a quiet comer in life where there is a minimum of conflict, and then we are afraid to step out of that seclusion. This fear of life, this fear of struggle and of a new experience, kills in us the spirit of adventure; our whole upbringing and education have made us afraid to be different from our neighbour, afraid to think contrary to the established pattern of society, falsely respectful of authority and tradition.
Fortunately, there are a few who are in earnest, who are willing to examine our human problems without the prejudice of the right or of the left; but in the vast majority of us, there is no real spirit of discontent, or revolt. When we yield uncomprehendingly to environment, any spirit of revolt that may have had died down, and our responsibilities soon put an end to it.
- Why does conventional education make independent thinking extremely difficult ?
(a) It does not encourage disagreement
(b) It does not accept conformity
(c) It is not fact based, but problem based
(d) It is only religious education.
- Worshipping success leads to
(a) questioning the established practices
(b) accepting the established practices
(c) modifying the established practices
(d) neither accepting nor rejecting the established practices
- Why do most people want to find a quiet comer in life ?
(a) Because they do not like to be in peace
(b) Because they seek pleasure
(c) Because they seek comfort
(d) Because they do not worship success
- Which word in the passage means ‘bias’ ?
(a) contrary
(b) prejudice
(c) uncomprehendingly
(d) discontent
- The word “uncomprehendingly” in the passage means
(a) Achieve success
(b) Earning money
(c) Without knowing
(d) With complete knowledge
Passage — II
Noise is a common problem in both urban and rural areas, traffic noise in particular. Trees and shrubs are not only visually attractive but also can make effective noise barriers. Therefore when space permits we have to plant more trees and shrubs in areas where there is noise problem. By doing this noise can be reduced by six decibels over a distance of 30 metres.
The only thing we have to keep in mind is that the planting should be particularly dense; the trees which have dense foliage and relatively vertical orientation of arrangements should be planted. It will completely screen the source of noise. If there is any gap in barrier it will still allow noise to penetrate. Single layer of trees is worthless as a noise barrier. Due to inter-reflection, multi-rows of trees are more effective. The planted trees must be taller. We can reduce noise level by 1-5 decibels with each additional 3 feet of tree height.
When the opportunity to use trees is restricted a combination of shrubs and tall grass can be used. Instead of tarmac or gravel surfaces soft grass ground cover is preferable. It will absorb noise rather than reflect it. Rows of trees, shrubs, crotons, ground covering plants, climbers and their flowers not only reduce noise and provide a beautiful backyard they also help block wind, provide shade, and absorb traffic pollution.
- What distance a good number of trees can cover in reducing noise ?
(a) 30 metres
(b) 60 metres
(c) 3 metres
(d) 300 metres
- Trees can reduce noise only when
(a) planted in isolation
(b) planted with flowering shrubs
(c) they are planted dense
(d) planted with shorter ones
- ‘Single layer of trees is worthless as a noise barrier.’ Why ?
(a) Noise can’t penetrate easily
(b) Help in the growth of shrubs
(c) Noise is sent back to the source
(d) Noise can penetrate easily
- Higher the trees
(a) higher the noise
(b) lower the noise
(c) greater the decibels ‘
(d) thinner the air
- How do shrubs and tall grass reduce noise ?
(a) They absorb noise
(b) They reflect noise
(c) They divert noise
(d) They are neutral to noise
Directions : Each of the following items in this section consists of a sentence, parts of which have been jumbled. These parts have been labelled as P, Q, R and S. Given below each sentence are four sequences namely (a), (b), (c) and (d). You are required to re-arrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and mark your response accordingly.
- consideration for others(P)/ for self-gratification(Q)/ freedom does not mean the opportunity(R)/or the setting aside of(S)
(a) S P Q R
(b) Q S P R
(c) R P Q S
(d) R Q S P
- of any kind(P)/ to freedom and intelligence(Q)/ domination or compulsion(R)/is a direct hindrance(S)
(a) R P S Q
(b) R Q P S
(c) S P Q R
(d) Q R S P
- enough potassium,(P)/ banana provides(Q)/ from various sugars (R)/and sustained energy(S)
(a) P Q R S
(b) RSQP
(c) S Q R P
(d) Q P S R
- of great trouble(P)/ this is a time(Q)/ the world to the maximum(R)/ as one virus threatens(S)
(a) P Q S R
(b) R S P Q
(c) S R Q P
(d) Q P S R
- are of the opinion(P)/ some archaeologists(Q)/ and that everybody enjoyed equal status(R)/ that Harappan society had no rulers,(S)
(a) S P Q R
(b) Q S R P
(c) Q P S R
(d) R P S Q
- in the same locality(P)/ marriage within a unit(Q)/ endogamy refers to(R)/ or a group living(S)
(a) Q R S P
(b) R S P Q
(c) Q P S R
(d) R Q S P
- when steam engines(P)/ dominated industrialization(Q)/ coal was the main source(R)/of energy in the initial stages,(S)
(a) SPRQ
(b) R S P Q
(c) P Q R S
(d) Q R S P
- from the scientists?(P)/ is the information(Q)/ that comes(R)/ how important(S)
(a) Q S P R
(b) Q R S P
(c) S Q R P
(d) S P Q R
- brought on by destructive pests(P)/ humans have suffered(Q)/ frustration and food losses(R)/since earliest times,(S)
(a) SPQR
(b) Q R S P
(c) S Q R P
(d) R SQP
- most spectacular gold coins(P)/ some of the(Q)/ the Gupta rulers in India(R)/ were issued by(S)
(a) R S P Q
(b) Q P S R
(c) P Q R S
(d) SPQR
Directions: In this section each item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning as SI and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled as P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the Answer Sheet.
- S1: Man has progressed with science and technology.
S6: What was difficult and impossible is now easy and possible.
P : He is on the road to conquer other planets.
Q : Now with scientific knowledge and technical know-how he has done what was impossible.
R : Hitherto he had been backward.
S : He has reached the moon.
The correct sequence should be
(a) S R Q P
(b) R P Q S
(c) R Q S P
(d) Q R S P
- S1: We drink more water during summers.
S6: There are variations in weather conditions during different seasons.
P : On the other hand in north-eastern states, winters are mild except in the hills.
Q : Because in North India, both the sessions have extreme weather conditions.
R : School clothes during the summer is different from the winter.
S : Why do you wear lighter clothes during summers and heavy woollen clothes during the winter in north India ?
The correct sequence should be
(a) S RP Q
(b) R S Q P
(c) P Q R S
(d) Q P R S
- S1: Policy, like many other terms, is a complex concept.
S6: Public policy is the outcome of the struggle between government and powerful groups.
P : It is form of government control usually expressed in a law, a legislation, a regulation or an order.
Q : Public policy is what a government chooses as guidance for action.
R : A policy may be general or specific, broad or narrow, simple or complex, public or private, written or unwritten.
S : It takes different forms.
The correct sequence should be
(a) S R Q P
(b) S Q P R
(c) R S P Q
(d) P Q R S
- S1: The dhoti kurta is a traditional lungi-type garment worn by men in India.
S6: Gandhi ji usually wore a simple shawl with his dhoti.
P : It is commonly worn with a loose long tunic.
Q : This he started wearing after he abandoned his western attire of pants and shirt.
R : A dhoti, made of homespun khadi cotton cloth, was the garment favoured by Gandhi ji.
S : The dhoti is rectangular piece of unstitched cloth, around five yards long, wrapped around the midriff and tucked between the legs.
The correct sequence should be
(a) P S R Q
(b) RSPQ
(c) S P R Q
(d) Q R S P
- S1: Languages in contact with each other cause change.
S6: Changes often occur first in informal and casual language.
P : The increasing use of English in many parts of the world affect both local languages and English.
Q : Language contact has long been recognised as a major engine of change.
R : This gives rise to new, hybrid language varieties.
S : A historical example is that of Danish and English which led to a major shift in the vocabulary and grammar of English.
The correct sequence should be
(a) R S Q P
(b) Q S P R
(c) Q R S P
(d) S Q R P
- S1: Urbanisation in India has become an important and irreversible process.
S6: As per the Census of India 2011, the urban population is increasing rapidly.
P : The 2030 development agenda of the United Nations has emphasised the role of sustainable cities for making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Q : This shows that India is in the midst of transition from a predominantly rural to a quasi- urban society.
R : The process of urbanisation has been characterized by a dramatic increase in the number of large cities.
S : It is an important determinant of national economic growth and poverty reduction.
The correct sequence should be
(a) Q R S P
(b) P S R Q
(c) S R Q P
(d) R Q S P
- S1: Ethics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the distinction between right and wrong (morals) and the ultimate worth of actions or things (values).
S6: But values can be either inherent or conferred.
P : For many philosophers, only humans are moral agents, being capable of acting morally or immorally.
Q : Environmental ethics asks about the moral relationships between humans and the world around us.
R : Ethics evaluated the relationship, rules, principles or codes that require or forbid certain conduct.
S : Value is a measure of the worth of something.
The correct sequence should be
(a) R Q P S
(b) P Q S R
(c) Q S R P
(d) RSPQ
- S1: The Constitution of India, introduced on 26 January 1950, laid down certain basic principles and values.
S6: The Constitution guaranteed all citizens equality before the law and equality of opportunity in government employment.
P : It was also to be a federation with demarcation of spheres of action between the Union Government and the State Governments.
Q : India was to be a secular and democratic republic with a parliamentary system based on adult franchise.
R : These include : freedom of speech and expression, freedom to assemble peacefully etc.
S : It guaranteed all Indian citizens certain fundamental rights.
The correct sequence should be
(a) Q P S R
(b) RSPQ
(c) P S Q R
(d) S Q R P
- S1: The National Health Policy 2017 envisages creation of a digital health technology eco-system.
S6: Secondly, offering financial protection up to W5 lakhs per year per family for the deprived 10 crores plus households.
P : Ayushman Bharat comprising twin missions is set to transform the nation’s health system.
Q : This will also foster a linkage across public and private healthcare.
R : The policy aims at developing an integrated health information system that serves the need of all stakeholder and improves efficiency, transparency.
S : This will be carried out by operationalising firstly 1.5 lakh health and wellness centres offering preventive and primary care.
The correct sequence should be
(a) Q S R P
(b) Q R S P
(c) R Q P S
(d) S P R Q
- S1: Ecology, history and geography determine the distribution of organisms.
S6: Others prefer to interpret bio- geographical history through vicariance (range-splitting) events.
P : Some historical biogeographers are interested in finding centre- of-origins.
Q : Most species distributions result from a combination of all these factors.
R : But biogeographers tend to specialise in ecological aspects (ecological biography or historical
S : Ecological biogeographers are interested in the effects of environmental factors.
The correct sequence should be
(a) Q R S P
(b) R Q P S
(c) P Q R S
(d) S P R Q
Directions: Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space and four words or group of words are given after the sentence. Select the most appropriate word or group of words for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
- He said that he _____ when he lost all his investment in the stock market
(a) was broken
(b) was broke
(c) brake
(d) had been collapse
- The man in black thought that he was____ selected for the team to play at the national level
(a) one of the player
(b) one of the players
(c) is one player
(d) the player of the team
- When she____ her friend after a period of two decades her throat choked
(a) meets
(b) had been meeting
(c) met
(d) has met
- The portrait of the lady conveys___ it appears
(a) the best
(b) more than
(c) the most
(d) nothing
- A biography is____ person’s life history
(a) about a
(b) about
(c) for a
(d) with a
- She told me that she____ her degree by 2023
(a) will have completed
(b) shall be completed
(c) will completed
(d) would have completed
- What is the name of the person_____ daughter married your cousin last year
(a) whose
(b) who
(c) whom
(d) with
- The world is changing_____ that the rich become richer and the poor become poorer
(a) through
(b) in many way
(c) in a way
(d) in such a way
- Had I been informed beforehand, I ______ it to the celebrations
(a) could have made
(b) will have made
(c) would have
(d) ought to have made
- Indian perspective of life informs that leading a life of greed_____ in unhappiness
(a) will lead
(b) shall be
(c) will result
(d) would resulted
Directions: Each item in this section consists of sentences with an Bold word followed by four words or group of words. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the Bold word and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
- His arguments are not valid. People consider it bombastic
(a) outdated
(b) straight forward
(c) verbose
(d) not true
- The decision was absurd for many of the members of the team
(a) bizarre
(b) meaningless
(c) reasonable
(d) thoughtful
- Relatives of deceased have been informed about the accident
(a) injured
(b) alive
(c) dead
(d) survived
- At last she was able to get some solace as the matter has been resolved amicably
(a) comfort
(b) relief
(c) punishment
(d) aggravation
- Twenty first century has turned out to be a century of problems contrary to the thinking that it would be a better time
(a) similar
(b) different
(c) divergent
(d) good faith
- The poet said that poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
(a) prepared
(b) alerted
(c) deliberate
(d) well executed
- Language is an instrument for asserting one’s identity, attitude and perspective
(a) declaring
(b) supporting
(c) denying
(d) propagating
- He has been exonerated as he tendered an apology
(a) honoured
(b) pardoned
(c) convicted
(d) felicitated
- Persuasion is essential for people to work as a team
(a) Dislike
(b) Discouraging
(c) Convincing
(d) Deter
- Every habitat has some distinctive vegetation which defines the eco-system
(a) unique
(b) common
(c) special
(d) unfamiliar
Directions: Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space with four words or group of words given. Select whichever word or group of words you consider the most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
- It sounds like great idea. People getting instantly excited
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) some
- when they hear phrase ‘education for peace’ or the title
(a) a
(b) the
(c) that
(d) some
- of a course that calls itself ‘peace Education’. About a decade ago, I proposed such course in my institute. The idea of a course
(a) any
(b) the
(c) some
(d) a
- ‘peace education’ had occurred to me on the way back from
(a) to
(b) in
(c) for
(d) on
- one of the neighbouring countries where I met students of class IX. I could not find
(a) any
(b) the
(c) that
(d) this
- difference Indian students
(a) with
(b) between
(c) among
(d) to
- and their counterparts in the other country on peace
(a) with
(b) and
(c) because
(d) but
- living together. It made me think that if one learns to live with a conflict, life grows
across it like grass trees. The arguments and stances
(a) or
(b) with
(c) for
(d) some
- children took demonstrated peace comes from under
(a) for
(b) but
(c) that
(d) when
- standing a conflict well, not necessarily solving it.
(a) by
(b) with
(c) to
(d) for
Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word(s) followed by four words/group of words. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the Bold word and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
- Having got excited she opened up the Pandora’s Box which led to lot of commotion
(a) uproar
(b) peace
(c) sound
(d) furious
- The inherent danger in the problem is that it would lead to many more problems
(a) outward
(b) difficult
(c) hallow
(d) inbuilt
- The officer was reprimanded by the court for delaying the case
(a) admonished
(b) appreciated
(c) praised
(d) disliked
- Some people think that their strength is perpetual
(a) temporary
(b) powerful
(c) ever lasting
(d) all persuasive
- One’s actions exemplify one’s attitude and values
(a) devise
(b) sympathize
(c) asks for
(d) demonstrate
- The crux of the issue was that there was no evidence to prove the accused guilty of the act
(a) core
(b) part
(c) idea
(d) tip
- Each child develops his/her competency based on the contexts and the inputs for learning
(a) capability
(b) thinking
(c) knowledge
(d) ideal
- He appears to be very haughty, but he is a humble person
(a) tough
(b) modest
(c) arrogant
(d) knowledgeable
- The newly appointed secretary is industrious
(a) diligent
(b) knowledgeable
(c) indolent
(d) insincere
- The indignant attitude of the speaker made the groups unhappy
(a) resentful
(b) congenial
(c) unruly
(d) supportive
Directions: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase Bold. Read the sentences carefully and find which part of speech the Bold word is. Indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
- The preacher said, “No one is above the all powerful”
(a) Adverb
(b) Place value
(c) Preposition
(d) Verb
- The most beautiful seven monkeys of the landlord were taken for a stroll
(a) Object
(b) Adjective
(c) Noun phrase
(d) Noun
- Alas! He has been defeated
(a) Adjective
(b) Adverb
(c) Interjection
(d) Conjunction
- The man who is in the green shift is the chief of the day
(a) Pronoun
(b) Relative noun
(c) Demonstrative pronouns
(d) Assertive noun
- He has been living in the jungle for long and he knows all the animals here
(a) Subordinating conjunction
(b) Coordinating conjunction
(c) Preposition
(d) Personal pronoun
- They have been driving since early morning
(a) Adjective
(b) Adverb
(c) Noun
(d) Comparison
- This time we woke up to the virus related diseases
(a) Demonstrative
(b) Article
(c) Adverb
(d) Noun phrase
- Love your neighbour as thyself
(a) Noun
(b) Pronoun
(c) Preposition
(d) Adjective
- Ravi won the match with a huge margin
(a) Intransitive verb
(b) Transitive verb
(c) Demonstrative verb
(d) Adjective
- There was an exultation in the group
(a) Adjective
(b) Adverb
(c) Adjectival Noun
(d) Noun
Directions: Following items have one part of the sentence followed by four alternatives. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct alternative.
- Sheela has been at the receiving end
(a) but she is very honest
(b) and she is very honest
(c) she had been proud of it
(d) she was fine with it
- Elam has no other option
(a) unless he wins
(b) but to accept the challenge
(c) though he has won challenge
(d) he has to accept the challenge
- Although the group has been acquitted
(a) they are under the watch of police
(b) they are free to do anything
(c) there is no suspicion in them
(d) they have not been arrested
- Unless you fulfil the essential qualifications
(a) you will be called for the interview
(b) you shall be selected for the post
(c) you will not be called for the interview
(d) you can’t be rejected
- The company’s bid for the contract is rejected
(a) since it filled all the conditions
(b) for the company fulfilled the conditions
(c) for the company had not been in the goodwill list
(d) since the deposit in the account is found less than required
- I could not sleep
(a) because being very tired
(b) despite being very tired
(c) in spite of being sleepless
(d) since being very tired
- She married him
(a) since his good nature
(b) because his nature
(c) because of his nature
(d) in spite his nature
- I will come to meet you
(a) in case you want
(b) in case of time external drive
(c) because you need
(d) although you want
- If you had planned the work well
(a) you shall have completed it on time
(b) you could complete it on time
(c) you will complete it on time
(d) you could have completed it on time
- You can use my computer
(a) as long as you can’t use any external drive
(b) as long as you used any external drive
(c) as long as you do not use any external drive
(d) as long as you shall use any
Directions: Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space with four options. Select whichever preposition or determiner you consider the most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
- Don’t go____ the wind, you will face the music later.
(a) with
(b) for
(c) about
(d) between
- He has been considered ____ honest contestant in the competition.
(a) an
(b) a
(c) the
(d) one
- Don’t read ____ the lines. Read the lines.
(a) in
(b) between
(c) on
(d) by
- The village possesses _____ scenic beauty.
(a) some
(b) a
(c) an
(d) the
- He is all out to blame everyone______ his mistakes.
(a) for
(b) in
(c) on
(d) with
- This is____ unique system of governance where everyone is the government.
(a) an
(b) the
(c) a
(d) some
- I will take care______ myself.
You don’t bother about me.
(a) of
(b) about
(c) for
(d) off
- She is considered_____ nightingale of the college for her melodious voice.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) some
(d) the
- The room is a bit dark. Could you please turn____ the light ?
(a) on
(b) in
(c) off
(d) away
- Don’t walk so fast! I can’t keep____ with you.
(a) in
(b) up to
(c) up
(d) on