Directions : The following items have one part of the sentence followed by four alternatives. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct alternative.
- I asked two people the way to the station
(a) but neither of them could help me
(b) however none of them could show me the way
(c) yet they had doubts about the station
(d) nevertheless they couldn’t guide me
- The room was very warm
(a) because the AC was set to moderate temperature
(b) though the AC was set to very cold
(c) since the AC was not very warm in its temperature setting
(d) since the AC was in a very low temperature setting
- We could leave’ today or we could leave tomorrow
(a) preferring what you want
(b) as you prefer one of the two
(c) depending on what you prefer
(d) whichever you prefer
- Mohan and I couldn’t get into the house because
(a) neither of us had the keys
(b) both of us do not have the keys
(c) either of us did not have the keys
(d) neither of us did have the keys
- There are many good hotels, you can choose to stay in
(a) many of them
(b) any one of them
(c) either of them
(d) all of them
- The bus service is very good; there is a bus
(a) after ten minutes
(b) in ten minutes
(c) before ten minutes
(d) every ten minutes
- We live near a busy airport; the planes fly
(a) near our house
(b) by our house
(c) over our house
(d) around our house
- Dan was very quiet. He didn’t say a word
(a) all the evening
(b) the entire evening
(c) all the entire evening
(d) entire evening
- I don’t like stories
(a) which can have unhappy endings
(b) which had sad endings
(c) that have unhappy endings
(d) which are unhappy endings
- Not everything
(a) that happened was my fault
(b) which happen was my fault
(c) what happened was my fault
(d) whatever happened was my fault
Directions : In this section you have two short passages. After each passage, you will find some items based on the passage. Read the passage and answer the items based on it.
Passage – I
As to happiness, I am not so sure. Birds, it is true, die of hunger in large numbers during the winter, if they are not birds of passage. But during the summer they do not foresee this catastrophe, or remember how nearly it befell them in the previous winter. With human beings the matter is otherwise. I doubt whether the percentage of birds that will have died of hunger during the present winter (1946-47) is as great as the percentage of human beings that will have died from this cause in India and central Europe during the same period. But every human death by starvation is preceded by a long period of anxiety, and surrounded by the corresponding anxiety of neighbours. We suffer not only the evils that actually befall us, but all those that our intelligence tells us we have reason to fear. The curbing of impulses to which we are led by forethought averts physical disaster at the cost of worry, and general lack of joy. I do not think that the learned men of my acquaintance, even when they enjoy a secure income, are as happy as the mice that eat the crumbs from their tables while the erudite gentlemen snooze. In this respect, therefore, I am not convinced that there has been any progress at all.
- The birds die of hunger in winter because
(a) they do not move to warmer places
(b) people do not feed them
(c) they do not get the food of their choice
(d) they are too young to get the food
- The birds do not foresee the catastrophe because they
(a) cannot predict an accident
(b) overlook a difficult situation
(c) cannot expect a sudden disaster
(d) ignore the problems
- Human beings cannot be happy because they
(a) do not get time to enjoy
(b) worry too much about their work
(c) are not healthy
(d) worry too much about future
- Which one of the following is the antonym of the word ‘erudite’ in the passage ?
(a) Qualified
(b) Ill-educated
(c) Logical
(d) Learned
- Which one of the following is the central theme of the passage ?
(a) Life of the birds and the mice
(b) Starvation in India and central Europe
(c) Progress of mankind
(d) Disasters in 1946-47
Passage – II
More than eight months after the national lockdown was announced in late March, urban India is learning to live with the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, indicating a positive outlook for the future, many survey respondents in a recent survey say they plan to return to pre-lockdown levels of shopping, personal grooming, going to cinemas and socializing as pandemic fears continues to recede.
The survey findings highlight that the suppression of consumer demand because of fears of job losses and salary cuts could be coming to an end. Increasingly, urban Indians are showing increased confidence about the future of the economy. This could be an indicator of the possible ‘pent-up demand’ that several economists have been talking about – a demand that could be unleashed once a vaccine is developed and distributed, or when there are signs of the pandemic’s spread reducing to negligible levels or vanishing totally.
Around 65 per cent of respondents said they had settled into new routines, or that they saw signs of the situation improving, or they had come to terms with the pandemic and were moving on with their lives. And since the survey was conducted before the news of the successful trials of the PfizeF vaccine for the coronavirus was announced, it is likely that the consumers are now even more positive in their outlook about the future.
- The general tone of the passage is that of
(a) Optimism
(b) Pessimism
(c) Fatalism
(d) Defeatism
- The willingness of consumers to go back to normal lifestyle indicates their
(a) Casual attitude
(b) Change of moods
(c) Desire for future plans
(d) Sense of economic security
- Which statement in the passage/phrase indicates that ‘Life must go on’ ?
(a) They settled into their new routines
(b) Salary cuts could be coming to an end
(c) People are moving on with their lives
(d) ‘Pent-up demand’
- What does the author mean by ‘pent-up demand’ ?
(a) Desire (suppressed) to spend money once pandemic is controlled
(b) Economic normalcy of consumers
(c) Flamboyant shopping by consumers
(d) Criticism of the public on the pay-cuts
- What, according to the author, is the reason behind suppression of consumer demands ?
(a) The lack of vaccine till date
(b) Professional insecurity
(c) Motive to save up some money
(d) Careful and calculative attitude of the general public
Directions : Each item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled as (a), (b) and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your response on the answer sheet against the corresponding letter i.e., (a) or (b) or (c). If you find no error, your response should be indicated as (d).
- Everything is going well; (a)/we didn’t have(b)/ any problem. (c)/No error.(d)
22 Lavanya hasn’t gone(a)/ to work(b)/ yesterday. (c)/No error.(d)
23 Look! The boy over there(a)/ wears the same sweater(b)/ as you. (c)/No error.(d)
24 It begins(a)/ to turn dark(b)/ shall I switch on the lights ? (c)/No error.(d)
- Raman and Mitali(a)/ have been married (b)/for twenty years. (c)/No error.(d)
- I have played(a)/ basketball(b)/ for the past three hours.(c)/ No error.(d)
- Jamila had a book(a)/ in front of her(b)/, but she didn’t read it. (c)/No error.(d)
- When she heard the news(a)/ she hasn’t been(b)/very pleased. (c)/No error.(d)
- Where are you coming from ?(a)/Are you(b)/ an American ? (c)/No error.(d)
- I went to Canada(a)/ a few years ago(b)/ for a holiday. (c)/No error.(d)
Directions : Each of the following items in this section consists of a sentence, parts of which have been jumbled. These parts have been labelled as P, Q, R and S. Given below each sentence are four sequences, namely (a), (b), (c) and (d). You are required to rearrange the jumbled parts of the sentence and mark your response accordingly.
- from Europe to America(P)/ in 1992(Q)/ his first voyage(R)/ Columbus made(S)
(a) S P R Q
(b) S R P Q
(c) P R S Q
(d) Q R S P
- scientists have(P)/ the effects of(Q)/ warned us about(R)/ climate change(S)
(a) R P S Q
(b) R S P Q
(c) P R Q S
(d) Q S P R
- speed is a potent cause(P)/ industrial growth at a terrific(Q)/ in a big city(R)/ of pollution(S)
(a) R S Q P
(b) Q P R S
(c) P R S Q
(d) Q P S R
- and garbage(P)/ today our environment(Q)/ filth and squalor(R)/is in constant grip of(S)
(a) R P S Q
(b) R S P Q
(c) Q S P R
(d) Q S R P
- of corruption everywhere(P)/ to ease out(Q)/ the monster(R)/ it is the duty of the government(S)
(a) S Q R P
(b) Q R S P
(c) P R S Q
(d) Q R P S
- made the movement(P)/ the poor visibility(Q)/ of the vehicles(R)/quite difficult(S)
(a) Q R P S
(b) R S P Q
(c) Q R S P
(d) Q P R S
- Mohan clearly(P)/ I couldn’t see(Q)/ only a few yards ahead(R)/though he was(S)
(a) R Q S P
(b) R S P Q
(c) P R S Q
(d) S R Q P
- both winter and summer(P)/ extreme(Q)/ are truly(R)/ here in India(S)
(a) RPSQ
(b) S R Q P
(c) S P R Q
(d) P S R Q
- get crystallised(P)/ the self and world view(Q)/ and physical space where basic ideas of(R)/public culture is a mental(S)
(a) R Q P S
(b) S R Q P
(c) S R P Q
(d) Q R S P
- that he ordered(P)/ the post was(Q)/ the first job he performed on reaching(R)/my release from jail(S)
(a) RPSQ
(b) R S P Q
(c) P R S Q
(d) R Q P S
Directions: Given below are some idioms/phrases followed by four alternative meanings to each. Choose the most appropriate response from among (a), (b), (c) or (d), and mark your response in the answer sheet accordingly.
- Forty winks
(a) Winking forty times
(b) Sleep disorders
(c) Long sleeping hours
(d) A short sleep during the day
- Life in the raw
(a) Life in its natural, unembellished state
(b) Life at its easiest
(c) Life that is complex
(d) A daredevil’s life
- A paper tiger
(a) A person or thing that appears threatening but is ineffectual
(b) To threaten someone but do no harm
(c) Environmental protection paperwork
(d) To speak to people in a roaring voice
- Penny-wise and pound-foolish
(a) Wise to spend each penny carefully
(b) Careful about small amounts but careless about large amounts
(c) People who don’t understand the importance of each penny
(d) Careful about large amounts but careless about small amounts
- Pin back your ears
(a) To listen carefully to something
(b) Person or organisation that pins important issues
(c) To keep yourself away from hearing bad stuff
(d) To clean your ears with a pin
- Turncoat
(a) Expert at altering coats
(b) Someone who deserts one group to join another
(c) A truly dishonest person
(d) Going round and round in a court of law
- Say your piece
(a) Speak but don’t listen
(b) Speak in a talkative manner
(c) Make your argument piece by piece
(d) Express your opinion
- Top-notch
(a) The highest marking on a tree or a building
(b) Person or organization that attracts only the top
(c) Of highest possible quality
(d) Person of integrity
- Under the table
(a) Work under difficult circumstances
(b) Working undercover
(c) Working under furniture
(d) Making or receiving payments surreptitiously
- At the drop of a hat
(a) Clumsy person who drops hats everywhere
(b) Suddenly and without much thought
(c) Do something without much pressure
(d) A happy and easygoing man
Directions : In this section each item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning as SI and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled as P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the answer sheet.
- S1: An ideal citizen is one who establishes his standard in everything.
S6: He can be called a thorough gentleman.
P : Because he is a true patriot.
Q : Also, he can lay down his life for the honour of his country.
R : That he can make any sacrifice for his motherland.
S : He loves his country so much so.
The correct sequence should be
(a) S R Q P
(b) R P Q S
(c) P Q R S
(d) Q R S P
- S1: There are multiple legal avenues for patients to indict doctors, but rarely is it the other way round.
S6: It is clear that patients have multiple avenues to pursue, should they feel an injustice has been perpetrated against them.
P : An FIR can be lodged against them under the section 304A of the Indian Penal Code.
Q : A compensation case can be filed in a consumer forum.
R : For one occurrence, there are multiple forums where doctors have to defend themselves.
S : For Instance, a complaint can be made to their employer.
The correct sequence should be
(a) P Q R S
(b) P S R Q
(c) R S Q P
(d) S R Q P
- S1: Paragraphs are the building blocks of any write-up.
S6: Understanding of these makes one a good writer of paragraphs.
P : A paragraph need not be pages together in length.
Q : But actually a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences on the lower limit.
R : In reality, unity and coherence, not length, constitute a real good paragraph.
S : Many people define paragraphs in terms of their length.
The correct sequence should be
(a) Q P R S
(b) R Q P S
(c) S Q P R
(d) Q R S P
- SI: Then what is necessary with regard to taming science and technology is :
S6: Then why do we not tame atomic energy to peaceful purposes ?
P : We must have the basic knowledge of the two.
Q : It is said, ‘Science is a useful servant but destructive master’.
R : By the misuse of science, mankind will meet its doom quite soon.
S : If we do not harness it for the welfare of mankind, I am afraid, a total annihilation is a must.
The correct sequence should be
(a) S R Q P
(b) P Q S R
(c) R Q S P
(d) Q R S P
- S1: Uttarakhand is vulnerable to disasters.
S6: The lack of ability to learn lessons from disasters, and the lack of any accountability, ensure the perpetuation of the situation.
P : The absence of necessary monitoring, early warning systems and the overall disaster management system add another layer of damages during the disasters.
Q : Major interventions act as force multipliers during such disasters.
R : The violation of legal and other prudent norms, further increases the damages.
S : Climate change is increasing these vulnerabilities.
The correct sequence should be
(a) S Q R P
(b) P Q S R
(c) Q S R P
(d) R P S Q
- S1: Now only fifteen minutes were left.
S6: Our performance was excellent.
P : Thank God, we rubbed the word ‘defeat’ writ large on our forehead.
Q : It was a game of life and death.
R : Each one had concluded that we were going to lose.
S : It was a matter of minutes.
The correct sequence should be
(a) P S Q R
(b) P Q S R
(c) R P S Q
(d) R S Q P
- S1: The river Ganga is very important for us culturally, spiritually, eco¬logically as well as economically.
S6: Journey in the right direction is firmly making progress, gathering momentum and becoming a people’s movement.
P : It is rich in cultural heritage, natural splendour and biodiversity.
Q : People have used its water since the beginning of civilisation for different purposes.
R : It has most dense cultivation in its basin and is critical for ensuring food and water security.
S : We need to utilise its water for different purposes while ensuring that its natural ecology is protected, aquatic life thrives, and forests along the river remain rejuvenated.
The correct sequence should be
(a) Q R S P
(b) Q S R P
(c) R S Q P
(d) P R Q S
- S1: The Republic Day in India falls on 26th January.
S6: He attends the march past.
P : The President of India takes the salute.
Q : It is organized at the India Gate.
R : People from far and wide come to witness it.
S : It is celebrated with great pomp and show.
The correct sequence should be
(a) P R S Q
(b) P Q S R
(c) S R Q P
(d) R S Q P
- S1: Different people have different hobbies.
S6: With hobbies, you spend time in a gainful way.
P : Thus, they say, as many people, so many hobbies.
Q : In due course, that becomes your hobby.
R : Whatever leisure time you get, you use that in creative activity.
S : Hobby is a leisure time activity.
The correct sequence should be
(a) P Q R S
(b) P Q S R
(c) S R Q P
(d) R S Q P
- S1: Life in a village is ideal.
S6: They can no longer be considered backward.
P : Our villages are no longer dirty.
Q : Moreover, they are disease-free.
R : Because, the village people are well-educated now.
S : Rather, they are highly clean and tidy.
The correct sequence should be
(a) S R Q P
(b) P S Q R
(c) S R P Q
(d) R S Q P
Directions : Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space and four words or group of words are given after the sentence. Select the most appropriate word or group of words for the blank space and indicate your response on the answer sheet accordingly.
- Honesty is____ on his face.
(a) wrote
(b) written
(c) writing
(d) writes
- He lives ____ his pen.
(a) by
(b) with
(c) on
(d) off
- Much water has run______ the bridge since then.
(a) near
(b) about
(c) under
(d) in
- The gun _____ with a loud noise.
(a) went on
(b) went off
(c) went about
(d) went around
- They fought____ the last man in the army.
(a) on
(b) from
(c) with
(d) to
- Keep him____ arm’s length.
(a) at
(b) by
(c) for
(d) off
- He succeeded____.
(a) on himself
(b) by himself
(c) in the long run
(d) on the long run
- Have you ever tried____ a coconut tree ?
(a) climbing
(b) to climbing
(c) going on
(d) going up
- He is a man_____ means.
(a) for
(b) in
(c) of
(d) above
- He dislikes____ punish his friends.
(a) have to
(b) having to
(c) for
(d) regarding
Directions : Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an Bold word followed by four words. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the Bold word and mark your response on the answer sheet accordingly.
- He drowned in the flood water last year.
(a) swarmed
(b) swam
(c) submerged
(d) floated
- Autumn is rather a dry season.
(a) arid
(b) humid
(c) rainy
(d) moist
- Our differences are growing day by day.
(a) confabulations
(b) interferences
(c) disagreements
(d) discrepancies
- The big tree hindered access of sunlight into the house.
(a) impeded
(b) shaded
(c) facilitated
(d) poured
- The complexity of the issue baffled everyone.
(a) conclusion
(b) intricacy
(c) grievance
(d) complacency
- He drank excessive amount of liquor.
(a) inculpable
(b) inordinate
(c) unreasonable
(d) innocuous
- He initiated the dialogue.
(a) ordered
(b) interfered
(c) began
(d) planned
- She looked pale after recovering from Covid-19.
(a) sallow
(b) ruddy
(c) glowing
(d) radiant
- I overrule your proposal.
(a) wan
(b) veto
(c) weaken
(d) supersede
- His behaviour shocked me.
(a) entreated
(b) pacified
(c) appalled
(d) scintillated
Directions : Each item in this section consists of sentences with an Bold word followed by four words or group of words. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the Bold word and mark your response on the answer sheet accordingly.
- I am very particular about it.
(a) quiet
(b) vague
(c) precise
(d) minute
- He has become paunchy.
(a) stout
(b) slim
(c) plump
(d) fat
- This river originates from the Ganges.
(a) inaugurates
(b) culminates
(c) initiates
(d) emanates
- The film I saw was hilarious.
(a) tragic
(b) serious
(c) uproarious
(d) jovial
- On that day, pandemonium reigned in the hall.
(a) hullaballoo
(b) uproar
(c) peace
(d) accolade
- The police detained me today amidst busy traffic.
(a) impeded
(b) released
(c) confined
(d) held
- In my state of despair, I confessed everything.
(a) despondency
(b) determination
(c) dependant
(d) elation
- He was accused by the entire community after he failed in the mission.
(a) vindicated
(b) incriminated
(c) indicted
(d) arraigned
- There was much to boast about the quality of his work.
(a) bluster
(b) brag
(c) deprecate
(d) flaunt
- He delivered an eccentric speech.
(a) an odd
(b) a peculiar
(c) a normal
(d) an idiosyncratic
Directions : Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase Bold. Read the sentences carefully and find which part of speech the Bold word belongs to. Indicate your response on the answer sheet accordingly.
- They wandered around aimlessly.
(a) Verb
(b) Adjective
(c) Intensifier
(d) Noun
- We went away after they had left.
(a) Pronoun
(b) Adjective
(c) Intensifier
(d) Conjunction
- Public culture is associated with extremely new civil societies.
(a) Adverb
(b) Intensifier
(c) Adjective
(d) Noun Clause
- You are paying less attention to your studies these days.
(a) Adverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Intensifier
(d) Noun
- Why, is it really Sujata on the phone ?
(a) Interjection
(b) Adjective
(c) Intensifier
(d) Noun
- Sit down and rest a while.
(a) Adverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Intensifier
(d) Noun
- Rakesh is too old to run fast.
(a) Adverb
(b) Conjunction
(c) Intensifier
(d) Noun
- For the next generation of interior architects and design graduates, work opportunities are immense.
(a) Adverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Noun
(d) Pronoun
- Life is a solo fight, and each person makes his or her own journey.
(a) Noun
(b) Adjective
(c) Intensifier
(d) Adverb
- The cat loves comfort.
(a) Indefinite article
(b) Definite article
(c) Intensifier
(d) Subject
Directions : Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space with four words or group of words given. Select whichever word or group of words you consider the most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the answer sheet accordingly.
- The polythene bags non-biodegradable, i.e., they cannot
(a) are
(b) become
(c) is
(d) were
- be decomposed micro-organisms into manure. They
(a) by
(b) through
(c) into
(d) in
- remain as even after years. Animals that started
(a) they are
(b) it is
(c) even
(d) after
- eating waste food with these polythene bags, ultimately
(a) besides
(b) beside
(c) thorough
(d) along
- started dying their internal system was getting blocked.
(a) of
(b) though
(c) because
(d) for
- The Government had no alternative to ban these polythene
(a) yet
(b) but
(c) so
(d) because
- bags. It is duty of the Government to look into this matter;
(a) but also
(b) still
(c) the
(d) yet
- however, it is also the duty of each individual to
(a) get it
(b) do it
(c) convene it
(d) see to it
- that we use polythene bags. By using these we will
(a) didn’t
(b) weren’t
(c) don’t
(d) aren’t
- not only harm the environment but ourselves as well. Thus, say ‘No’ to plastic bags and contribute society.
(a) by
(b) to
(c) into
(d) in
Directions : Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space with four options. Select whichever preposition or determiner you consider the most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the answer sheet accordingly.
- He succeeded____ dint of perseverance and hard work.
(a) by
(b) for
(c) on
(d) upon
- Due to his illness, he could not finish the work____ time.
(a) by
(b) for
(c) on
(d) upon
- There is no meaning_____ what you say.
(a) by
(b) for
(c) in
(d) on
- These are good rules____ live by.
(a) with
(b) to
(c) in
(d) on
- He is the man I have been looking___.
(a) at
(b) for
(c) in
(d) on
- Don’t loiter_____ the street.
(a) near
(b) around
(c) in
(d) on
- Sit here_____ me.
(a) by
(b) beside
(c) in
(d) on
- We mustn’t shy_____ entry-level or freelance jobs as they help us gain an insight into the context in which a company operates.
(a) in
(b) with
(c) away from
(d) upon
- Civil society and media have a major role in making the coalition work____ the people.
(a) for
(b) about
(c) with
(d) over
- He travelled____ Mr. Joshi’s car.
(a) by
(b) for
(c) in
(d) on