Last Updated on Nov 11, 2020
Reading Comprehension is perceived to be one of the toughest topics for students to score in. In most cases however, this is a misunderstanding.
The increase in the number of RC passages points to the fact that a student has to be proficient in reading and interpreting information. As the passages come from diverse areas and are of varied length therefore one has to devise a strategy to handle this section. A valuable input given by seasoned experts is that students need to read articles from diverse areas. Apart from reading these articles from different areas, one needs to be proficient in interpreting the information without any pre-conceived notions.
You can easily boost your score by several points by following a few basic tips.
1) Reading Speed: It must be kept in mind that while answering an RC question, you are not expected to memorize each and every word/ sentence given in the passage. One must have the ability to instinctively figure out the main idea given in the passage and not waste time reading material that is peripheral. And this comes by means of constant reading across various themes. So, read regularly.
2) Reading Comprehension: Sometimes you are unable to understand a specific word or sentence. In that case, it is advisable to keep reading to comprehend the meaning of the word that creates a block. But there are times, when you read, the meaning of the word becomes apparent when you read further.
3) Analytical Ability: Even if you have understood what the writer has stated in the paragraph, you may not be able to answer all the questions. Some questions examine your ability to analyze. Thus, it is mandatory for you to acquire analytical skills, the ability to read between the lines, so to speak. It can be acquired with practice.
4) Reading Range: You usually read what you like. But if you are serious in your preparation, you need to read all kinds of writings. An engineer might have a mental block against a philosophical paragraph; an art student might have a problem with a scientific article. And this will slow down your reading speed. The only way to overcome this is to read a lot of such writings.
5) Memory: his is related to information retention. The greater your power of retaining information, the lesser the effort in identifying the correct answer.
6) Question Identification: It is not necessary to attempt all the given questions. The best way is to choose the right questions which take less time or are directly answered in the given passage. This saves time and increases efficiency.
Some More Tips and Tricks related to RC Passages
- Stay focused
- Analyze the passage
- Read the passage twice
- Do not obsess over minor details
- Be extra careful with the main idea/title questions
- Understand the author's point of view
- Do not ignore the structure of the passage
This video lays out the basic challenges of Reading Comprehension. Understanding this topic well is necessary to solve questions that are asked in various competitive exams in the RC section - applicable to CAT, XAT, MAT, SNAP, IIFT, CLAT, AILET, DU LLB, any other entrance exam as well.
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